Version 1.0
Applet to calculate the terminal velocity
Input: weight, drag coefficient, area and air density
import java.awt.*;
import java.lang.Math ;
public class Termvcalc extends java.applet.Applet {
static double convdr = 3.1415926/180. ;
double weight, cd, area, alt, termv ;
double rho, ps0, ts0, g0, wtrat ;
int lunits, planet;
int dmode,wmode;
In in ;
public void init() {
setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1,0,0)) ;
setDefaults () ;
in = new In(this) ;
add(in) ;
computeTermv() ;
public void setDefaults() {
dmode = 1 ;
lunits = 0;
planet = 0 ;
wmode = 0 ;
wtrat = 1.0 ;
weight = 150. ;
area = 5.0 ;
rho = .00237 ;
alt = 0.0 ;
cd = .7 ;
g0 = 32.2 ;
public void getFreeStream() { // free stream conditions
double hite,pvap,rgas,gama ; /* MODS 19 Jan 00 whole routine*/
rgas = 1718. ; /* ft2/sec2 R */
gama = 1.4 ;
hite = alt ;
if (planet == 0) { // Earth standard day
if (hite <= 36152.) { // Troposphere
ts0 = 518.6 - 3.56 * hite/1000. ;
ps0 = 2116. * Math.pow(ts0/518.6,5.256) ;
if (hite >= 36152. && hite <= 82345.) { // Stratosphere
ts0 = 389.98 ;
ps0 = 2116. * .2236 *
Math.exp((36000.-hite)/(53.35*389.98)) ;
if (hite >= 82345.) {
ts0 = 389.98 + 1.645 * (hite-82345)/1000. ;
ps0 = 2116. *.02456 * Math.pow(ts0/389.98,-11.388) ;
rho = ps0/(rgas * ts0) ;
if (planet == 1) { // Mars - curve fit of orbiter data
rgas = 1149. ; /* ft2/sec2 R */
gama = 1.29 ;
if (hite <= 22960.) {
ts0 = 434.02 - .548 * hite/1000. ;
ps0 = 14.62 * Math.pow(2.71828,-.00003 * hite) ;
if (hite > 22960.) {
ts0 = 449.36 - 1.217 * hite/1000. ;
ps0 = 14.62 * Math.pow(2.71828,-.00003 * hite) ;
rho = ps0/(rgas*ts0) ;
return ;
public void computeTermv() {
// compute
termv = Math.sqrt( 2.0 * wtrat * weight / (cd * rho * area)) ;
if (lunits == 0) {
in.dn.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter3(termv))) ;
if (lunits == 1) {
in.dn.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter3(termv * .3048))) ;
public int filter0(double inumbr) {
// integer output
float number ;
int intermed ;
intermed = (int) (inumbr) ;
number = (float) (intermed);
return intermed ;
public float filter3(double inumbr) {
// output only to .001
float number ;
int intermed ;
intermed = (int) (inumbr * 1000.) ;
number = (float) (intermed / 1000. );
return number ;
public float filter5(double inumbr) {
// output only to .00001
float number ;
int intermed ;
intermed = (int) (inumbr * 100000.) ;
number = (float) (intermed / 100000. );
return number ;
public float filter7(double inumbr) {
// output only to .0000001
float number ;
int intermed ;
intermed = (int) (inumbr * 10000000.) ;
number = (float) (intermed / 10000000. );
return number ;
class In extends Panel {
Termvcalc outerparent ;
Titl titl ;
Up up ;
Dn dn ;
In (Termvcalc target) {
outerparent = target ;
setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1,5,5)) ;
titl = new Titl(outerparent) ;
up = new Up(outerparent) ;
dn = new Dn(outerparent) ;
add(titl) ;
add(up) ;
add(dn) ;
class Titl extends Panel {
Label la,lc,ld,le ;
Titl (Termvcalc target) {
outerparent = target ;
setLayout(new GridLayout(4,1,0,0)) ;
lc = new Label("Terminal Velocity Calculator", Label.CENTER) ;
la = new Label("Enter values for weight, area, and drag coefficient", Label.CENTER) ;
la.setForeground(Color.red) ;
ld = new Label("Choose planet and units", Label.CENTER) ;
ld.setForeground(Color.red) ;
le = new Label("Enter value for altitude or air density", Label.CENTER) ;
le.setForeground(Color.red) ;
add(lc) ;
add(ld) ;
add(la) ;
add(le) ;
class Up extends Panel {
TextField o1,o2,o3,o4 ;
Label l1,l2,l4;
Label l1u,l2u,l3u,l4u;
Choice untch,dmodch, plntch, wmodch;
Up (Termvcalc target) {
outerparent = target ;
setLayout(new GridLayout(5,3,5,5)) ;
l1u = new Label(" lbs ", Label.LEFT) ;
l4 = new Label("Cross Section Area", Label.RIGHT) ;
l4u = new Label(" sq ft ", Label.LEFT) ;
l2 = new Label("Drag Coefficient", Label.RIGHT) ;
l2u = new Label(" ", Label.LEFT) ;
l3u = new Label(" ft ", Label.LEFT) ;
o1 = new TextField("150.0",5) ;
o1.setBackground(Color.white) ;
o1.setForeground(Color.black) ;
o2 = new TextField("0.7",5) ;
o2.setBackground(Color.white) ;
o2.setForeground(Color.black) ;
o3 = new TextField("0.0",5) ;
o3.setBackground(Color.white) ;
o3.setForeground(Color.black) ;
o4 = new TextField("5.0",5) ;
o4.setBackground(Color.white) ;
o4.setForeground(Color.black) ;
dmodch = new Choice() ;
dmodch.addItem("Density") ;
dmodch.select(1) ;
wmodch = new Choice() ;
wmodch.addItem("Earth Weight") ;
wmodch.addItem("Local Weight");
wmodch.select(0) ;
plntch = new Choice() ;
plntch.addItem("Earth") ;
plntch.select(0) ;
untch = new Choice() ;
untch.addItem("English") ;
untch.select(0) ;
add(plntch) ;
add(new Label("Units: ", Label.RIGHT)) ;
add(untch) ;
add(wmodch) ;
add(o1) ;
add(l1u) ;
add(l4) ;
add(o4) ;
add(l4u) ;
add(l2) ;
add(o2) ;
add(l2u) ;
add(dmodch) ;
add(o3) ;
add(l3u) ;
public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg) {
if(evt.target instanceof Choice) {
this.handleProb(arg) ;
return true ;
else return false ;
public void handleProb(Object obj) {
lunits = untch.getSelectedIndex() ;
planet = plntch.getSelectedIndex() ;
wtrat = 1.0 ;
if (planet == 1) {
wtrat = .3 ;
dmode = dmodch.getSelectedIndex() ;
wmode = wmodch.getSelectedIndex() ;
if (lunits == 0) { // English units labels
if (wmode == 0) {
o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter0(weight))) ;
l1u.setText(" lbs ") ;
if (wmode == 1) {
o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter3(wtrat * weight))) ;
l1u.setText(" lbs ") ;
if (wmode == 2) {
o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter3(weight/32.2))) ;
l1u.setText(" slugs ") ;
if (dmode == 0) {
if (planet == 0) o3.setText(String.valueOf(filter5(rho))) ;
if (planet == 1) o3.setText(String.valueOf(filter7(rho))) ;
l3u.setText("slug/cu ft ") ;
if (dmode == 1) {
o3.setText(String.valueOf(filter0(alt))) ;
l3u.setText(" ft ") ;
o4.setText(String.valueOf(filter3(area))) ;
l4u.setText(" sq ft ") ;
dn.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter3(termv))) ;
dn.l1u.setText(" ft/sec ") ;
if (lunits == 1) { // Metric units labels
if (wmode == 0) {
o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter0(weight * 4.448))) ;
l1u.setText(" N ") ;
if (wmode == 1) {
o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter3(wtrat * weight * 4.448))) ;
l1u.setText(" N ") ;
if (wmode == 2) {
o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter3(weight * .4536))) ;
l1u.setText(" kg ") ;
if (dmode == 0) {
if (planet == 0) o3.setText(String.valueOf(filter3(rho * 515.4))) ;
if (planet == 1) o3.setText(String.valueOf(filter5(rho * 515.4))) ;
l3u.setText("kg/cu m ") ;
if (dmode == 1){
o3.setText(String.valueOf(filter0(alt * .3048))) ;
l3u.setText(" m ") ;
o4.setText(String.valueOf(filter3(area * .3048 * .3048))) ;
l4u.setText(" sq m ") ;
dn.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter3(termv * .3048))) ;
dn.l1u.setText(" m/sec ") ;
computeTermv() ;
class Dn extends Panel {
Termvcalc outerparent ;
TextField o1 ;
Label lb,l1,l1u;
Button compb ;
Dn (Termvcalc target) {
outerparent = target ;
setLayout(new GridLayout(4,3,5,5)) ;
lb = new Label(" Press Compute Button ", Label.CENTER) ;
lb.setForeground(Color.red) ;
l1 = new Label(" Terminal Velocity ", Label.RIGHT) ;
l1u = new Label(" ft/sec ", Label.LEFT) ;
o1 = new TextField() ;
o1.setBackground(Color.black) ;
o1.setForeground(Color.yellow) ;
compb = new Button("Compute") ;
compb.setBackground(Color.red) ;
compb.setForeground(Color.white) ;
add(new Label(" ", Label.RIGHT)) ;
add(lb) ;
add(new Label(" ", Label.RIGHT)) ;
add(new Label(" ", Label.RIGHT)) ;
add(compb) ;
add(new Label(" ", Label.RIGHT)) ;
add(new Label(" ", Label.RIGHT)) ;
add(new Label(" ", Label.RIGHT)) ;
add(new Label(" ", Label.RIGHT)) ;
add(l1) ;
add(o1) ;
add(l1u) ;
public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg) {
if(evt.target instanceof Button) {
this.handleText(evt) ;
return true ;
if(evt.target instanceof Choice) {
this.handleText(evt) ;
return true ;
else return false ;
public void handleText(Event evt) {
Double V1,V2,V3,V4 ;
double v1,v2,v3,v4 ;
double vmax,vmin ;
V1 = Double.valueOf(up.o1.getText()) ;
v1 = V1.doubleValue() ;
V2 = Double.valueOf(up.o2.getText()) ;
v2 = V2.doubleValue() ;
V3 = Double.valueOf(up.o3.getText()) ;
v3 = V3.doubleValue() ;
V4 = Double.valueOf(up.o4.getText()) ;
v4 = V4.doubleValue() ;
if (lunits == 0) {
if (wmode == 0) {
vmax = 10000. ;
vmin = .01 ;
if (v1 < vmin) {
v1 = vmin ;
up.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter5(v1))) ;
if (v1 > vmax) {
v1 = vmax ;
up.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter0(v1))) ;
weight = v1 ;
if (wmode == 1) {
vmax = 10000. * wtrat ;
vmin = .01 * wtrat ;
if (v1 < vmin) {
v1 = vmin ;
up.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter5(v1))) ;
if (v1 > vmax) {
v1 = vmax ;
up.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter0(v1))) ;
weight = v1 / wtrat ;
if (wmode == 2) {
vmax = 10000. / 32.2 ;
vmin = .01 / 32.2 ;
if (v1 < vmin) {
v1 = vmin ;
up.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter5(v1))) ;
if (v1 > vmax) {
v1 = vmax ;
up.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter0(v1))) ;
weight = v1 * 32.2 ;
if (lunits == 1) {
if (wmode == 0) {
vmax = 10000. * 4.448 ;
vmin = .01 * 4.448 ;
if (v1 < vmin) {
v1 = vmin ;
up.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter5(v1))) ;
if (v1 > vmax) {
v1 = vmax ;
up.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter0(v1))) ;
weight = v1 / 4.448 ;
if (wmode == 1) {
vmax = 10000. * 4.448 * wtrat ;
vmin = .01 * 4.448 * wtrat ;
if (v1 < vmin) {
v1 = vmin ;
up.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter5(v1))) ;
if (v1 > vmax) {
v1 = vmax ;
up.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter0(v1))) ;
weight = v1 / 4.448 / wtrat ;
if (wmode == 2) {
vmax = 10000. * .4536 ;
vmin = .01 * .4536 ;
if (v1 < vmin) {
v1 = vmin ;
up.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter5(v1))) ;
if (v1 > vmax) {
v1 = vmax ;
up.o1.setText(String.valueOf(filter0(v1))) ;
weight = v1 / .4536 ;
vmax = 5. ;
vmin = .01 ;
if (v2 < vmin) {
v2 = vmin ;
up.o2.setText(String.valueOf(filter5(v2))) ;
if (v2 > vmax) {
v2 = vmax ;
up.o2.setText(String.valueOf(filter3(v2))) ;
cd = v2 ;
if (lunits == 0) {
if (dmode == 0) {
vmax = .005 ;
vmin = .000001 ;
if (v3 < vmin) {
v3 = vmin ;
up.o3.setText(String.valueOf(filter7(v3))) ;
if (v3 > vmax) {
v3 = vmax ;
up.o3.setText(String.valueOf(filter5(v3))) ;
rho = v3 ;
if (dmode == 1) {
vmax = 100000. ;
vmin = 0.0 ;
if (v3 < vmin) {
v3 = vmin ;
up.o3.setText(String.valueOf(filter5(v3))) ;
if (v3 > vmax) {
v3 = vmax ;
up.o3.setText(String.valueOf(filter0(v3))) ;
alt = v3 ;
getFreeStream() ;
if (lunits == 1) {
if (dmode == 0) {
vmax = .005 * 515.4 ;
vmin = .0000001 * 515.4 ;
if (v3 < vmin) {
v3 = vmin ;
up.o3.setText(String.valueOf(filter5(v3))) ;
if (v3 > vmax) {
v3 = vmax ;
up.o3.setText(String.valueOf(filter3(v3))) ;
rho = v3 / 515.4 ;
if (dmode == 1) {
vmax = 100000. * .3048 ;
vmin = 0.0 ;
if (v3 < vmin) {
v3 = vmin ;
up.o3.setText(String.valueOf(filter5(v3))) ;
if (v3 > vmax) {
v3 = vmax ;
up.o3.setText(String.valueOf(filter0(v3))) ;
alt = v3 / .3048 ;
getFreeStream() ;
if (lunits == 0) {
vmax = 500.;
vmin = 0.0001 ;
if (v4 < vmin) {
v4 = vmin ;
up.o4.setText(String.valueOf(filter5(v4))) ;
if (v4 > vmax) {
v4 = vmax ;
up.o4.setText(String.valueOf(filter3(v4))) ;
area = v4 ;
if (lunits == 1) {
vmax = 500. * .3048 * .3048;
vmin = 0.0001 * .3048 * .3048 ;
if (v4 < vmin) {
v4 = vmin ;
up.o4.setText(String.valueOf(filter5(v4))) ;
if (v4 > vmax) {
v4 = vmax ;
up.o4.setText(String.valueOf(filter0(v4))) ;
area = v4 / .3048 / .3048 ;
computeTermv() ;