Как сбит MH17: гражданское расследование

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The police report 26DLRPRIMO-05356

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https://thehaguetimes.com/2020/09/03/mh … op-or-not/

PDF in Dutch

“In the period 17 April up to and including 29 April 2015 four officers with special investigative powers with the Primo numbers 17- 496, 17-495, 17-511 and 17-512 respectively, secured four parts of which it is presumed that they originated from a missile within the framework of the recovery mission. The presumed missile parts were secured in or near the municipalities Petropavlivka, Oblast Donetsk situated in East Ukraine. […]
In the presence of the investigation officers mentioned, a witness pointed out the finding locations of these parts. While doing this the witness said he had seen these parts there for the first time a few weeks before 17 April 2015.”

Investigating officer known under primo-number 17-519 made video recordings. The area within which the parts had been found by means of orientation with the following GPS-angular coordinates:

48.141, 38.517
48.148, 38.529
48.144, 38.537
48.135, 38.526

Coordinates plotted on a map gives this result:


Members of the Primo investigation team heard several persons as witnesses. The identity of these witnesses is known to reporting police officer Thiry:

“Of all the relevant findings, such as the finding, the conveying and the seizing of the missile parts mentioned, separate official reports were drawn up under oath or affirmation of office by the (special) investigating officers. In addition video or audio recordings were made during the investigative activities that were eligible for it such as witness examinations, these have been annexed to these official reports. As a consequence of the publication of these reports and recordings the witnesses mentioned in them could be seriously inconvenienced or be seriously hindered in the performance of their duties of professions (187d Code of Criminal Procedure)”, Officer Thiry reports.

Annexed to the report are:

1) photograph of a fragment; sin-number AAHP8536NL
2) photograph of a fragment; sin-number AAHZ3740NL
3) photograph of a fragment; sin-number AAHZ3739NL
4) photograph of a pipe ; sin number AAHZ4351NL




Передано голландцам в период 17-29 апреля 2015. В июне А-А объявляет, что поражение от 9М38М1, в августе Сторчевому показывают фото найденных частей, в октябре А-А объявляет, что поражение от 9М38. Как-то нелогично, если это подброс. Если же они не знали о находке, то логично. Сторчевой в августе увидел, что найден зелёный корпус, A-А нужно было срочно отмазывать принадлежность корпуса к поразившей ракете. 9М38 все белые, поэтому и назвали этот тип, припася этот факт до суда. Если бы в JIT схавали поражение 9М38, то на суде вдруг внезапно возник бы "козырь в рукаве", причём неопровержимый. Но они не схавали.



Координаты зоны находок намекают, что что-то из найденного упало (реально или пи3дёж) в чей-то двор/огород. Высоковероятно, что это корпус. Иначе как бы он пролежал в этой зоне незамеченным в течение месяцев?


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